Web page execution
This article is copied from http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/hima_.net/WebPageExecutioninIIS05162006054117AM/WebPageExecutioninIIS.aspx How the Simple Web page execution Happens? As All of us know A Request comes from Client (Browser) and sends to Server (We call it as Web server) in turn Server Process the Request and sends response Back to the Client in according to the client Request But internally in the Web server there is quite interesting process that happens. To get aware of that process we should first of all know about the architecture of the IIS It mainly consists of 3 Parts/Files 1. Inetinfo.exec 2. ISAPI Filter (Container for Internet Server Application Interface dlls) , 3. Worker Process (aspnet_wp.exe) When ever a Request comes from the Client: Inetinfo.exe is the ASP.Net Request Handler that handles the requests from the client .If it’s for static resources like HTML files or image files inetinfo.exe process the request and sent to client If th...