
Showing posts from 2009

Fiserv Interview Questions.

1) For edit functionality in DataGird specify Column name 2) Why you may not want to use Paging funtionality in data grid 3) Function of SqlCommanBuilder in code. 4) Find the error in code . Its related to database connection. I think that connection sould be closed in finally instead of try. 5) What is the relation between src='' & Inherits='' in <@ Page > directive 6) What is derective in the user control page & its extention of file 7) Question related to 404 error code Error page & Default error page. 8) Its related to Autherization in web config related to folders 9) Related to definition 10) not remembred with question but answer is cookiless = true related question 11) Page is posting the 2 times why is it so 1) user control load 2) some control call load 12) describe !Page.PostBack Select Options 13) Question related to Session mode = SQLServer 14) Some question related to validation control - compare validator 15) Some question ...

Send Email in

add System.Net.Mail; namespace ///*********************************************************************************     ///     ///To Send the simple  Email     ///     /// From Email Id     /// To Email Id     /// Email Subject     /// Email Body     /// Returns bool with Indication     ///*********************************************************************************     public bool SendEMail(string FromAddressId, string ToAddressId,                           string Subject, string MessageBody)     {         SmtpClient objSmtpClient = new SmtpClient();         MailMessage message = new MailMessage();  ...

Creating Error log

using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data.SqlClient; using CommonComponents; using System.IO; /// /// Summary description for clsErrorLog /// public class clsErrorLog {     /*************************************************************     NAME:          WriteToErrorLog     PURPOSE:       Open or create an error log and submit error message     PARAMETERS:    ex - object of Exception class                    ErrorTitle - title of the error              ...

Finding Nth Highest Salary Query

SELECT max(sal) FROM  tbltemp WHERE sal NOT IN (SELECT distinct top 2 sal FROM tbltemp ORDER BY sal desc) for eg. for 3rd highest top will be 3-1 =2  (top 2) therefore top N-1 Or SELECT TOP 1 sal  FROM (                SELECT DISTINCT TOP 2 sal                FROM tbltemp               ORDER BY sal DESC               ) A ORDER BY sal

Adding Custom Tags in Web.config

To add cutom tag in your web config its a simple process. I will expain it step by step Add  Following to your web config Remember you have to add information about your System assembly which you can find in your GAC (Global assembly cache) Path: " C:\WINDOWS\assembly " right click on System assembly and you will get Property about it. Then to get those custom tag values  write the following code on default.aspx.cs file  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {       NameValueCollection Col = new NameValueCollection(); Col = (NameValueCollection)System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MyCustomSection");         for (int i = 0; i < c1.Keys.Count; i++)         {            Response.Write(String.Format("Key = {0}, Value = {1} ", c1.Keys[i], c1[i].ToString()));   ...

Singleton Design Pattern

one of the good explanation found in ASP.NET 3.5 Application Architecture Design public sealed class EmailManager { private static EmailManager _manager; //Private constructor so that objects cannot be created private EmailManager() { } public static EmailManager GetInstance() { // Use 'Lazy initialization' if (_manager == null) { //ensure thread safety using locks lock(typeof(EmailManager) { _manager = new EmailManager(); } } return _manager; } } let us understand the code step-by-step: 1. public sealed class EmailManager: We have used the sealed keyword to make our EmailManager class uninheritable. This is not necessary, but there is no use having derived classes as there can be only one instance of this class in memory. Having derived class objects will let us create two or more instances which will be against the singleton's design objective. 2. private static EmailManager _manager: Next, we...

SOAP Header (credentials) for cosuming web service

Its the optional part of SOAP Message. Instead including meta data (Credentials) in your web signature you can use SOAP header to consume web service. // SOAP Header class public class HelloHeader : SoapHeader {     public string Username;     public string Password; }     public HelloHeader myHeader;     [WebMethod]     [SoapHeader("myHeader")]     public string HelloWorld()     {         if (myHeader == null)         {             return "Hello World";         }         else         {             return "Hello " + myHeader.Username + ". " +       ...

Metod overloading in web serive

To overload web methods you have to use MessageName attribute otherwise you will get error. [WebMethod(MessageName = "Hello")] public string Hello() { return "Hello"; } [WebMethod(MessageName = "HelloWithFirstName")] public string Hello(string FirstName) { return "Hello " + FirstName; }

Web serice to upload image on server

/// web service /// Upload image on server with the .jpg, .ico, .gif, .bmp, .png formats. /// Size should be less than 80kb /// /// /// /// [WebMethod] public string UploadImage(byte[] ImgIn, string FileName) { MemoryStream ms = null; Bitmap b = null; try { ms = new MemoryStream(ImgIn); if (ms.Length <= 80000) // 80kb limit for image to upload { b = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms); if (FileName.ToLower().Contains(".jpeg") || FileName.ToLower().Contains(".jpg")) b.Save("C:\\" + FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); if (FileName.ToLower().Contains(".gif")) b.Save("C:\\" + FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif); if (FileName.ToLower().Contains(".bmp")) b.Save("C:\\" + FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); if (FileName.ToLower().Contains(".png")) b.Save("C:\\" + FileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); if (FileName.ToLower().Conta...

Nullable in c#

Nullable types can represent all the values of an underlying type, and an additional  null value. Nullable types are declared in one of two ways:         System.Nullable variable         -or-         T? variable     Any value type may be used as the basis for a nullable type  class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {             int? x = 10;             if (x.HasValue)             {                 System.Console.WriteLine(x.Value);           ...

Explicit keyword in c#

The explicit keyword is used to declare an explicit user-defined type conversion operator  class Celsius     {         public Celsius(float temp)         {             degrees = temp;         } // define explicit Celsius-to-Fahrenheit conversion operator:         public static explicit operator Fahrenheit(Celsius c)         {             return new Fahrenheit((9.0f / 5.0f) * c.degrees + 32);         }         public float Degrees         {             get { return degrees; }       ...

Cursor in sql server

-To fetch row by row data Declare Cursor Open Fetch first time fetch data until @@Fetch_Status = 0 Close Deallocate Disadvantage: - Time Consuming - required lot of resources & temporary storage.

View in sql server

Referred as "Virtual Table" Can not store data (except for indexed views) rather than only referto data present in table. e.g. Create View vwsample [optional] With Encryption OR With Schemabinding [/optional] AS Select Cid, CName FRom Customer GO With Encryption - You can see view query (its encrypted) With Schemabinding - You are not able to alter table on which it's created.

Assembly in .net

-It is the fundamental building block of .net framework -basic unit of deployment or versioning (.exe or .dll) -Consisting Manifest Metadata IL Code Resources 1) Manifest- Describe assembly itself Contents Assembly Name Version number Culture Strong name information List of files Type reference information Information on reference assemblies 2) Metdata- Describe Contents within assembly like Classes, Namespaces, Interfaces, Scope, Properties, Methods & their parameteres. 3) IL Code- The compilers translates your code into Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). The common language runtime includes a JIT compiler for converting this MSIL then to native code. 4) Resources- are the files like image files

Command Object's Method

objects exposes methods for executing commands based on the type of command and desired return value 1) ExecuteNonQuery: Executes a command that does not return any rows. 2) ExecuteReader: Returns a DataReader object. 3) ExecuteRow: Return sql record (return one datbase record) 4) ExecuteScalar: Returns a single scalar value. 5) ExecuteXMLReader: Returns an XmlReader. Available for a SqlCommand object only.

Triggers in sql server

Definition: Are special type of stored procedure that are defined to execute automatically, In place of or after data modification when Insert, Update, Delete triggering actions occurred on that table. 1) After Trigger Fired the triggering action. Executed automatically before the transaction is committed or rolled back. e.g. CREATE TRIGGER trgCheckStock ON [products] FOR UPDATE AS IF( Select inStockFrom inserted ) 2) Instead Of Trigger Fire in place of the triggering action. Executed automatically before primary key and foreign key constraints are checked. e.g. CREATE TRIGGER trgCantDelete ON table1 INSTEAD OF DELETE AS PRINT 'you cannot delete this data' GO


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Differance between Value Type and Referance Type

Value Type: 1) Stored in stack. 2) Access directly. 3) Life time determine by lifetime of variable that contain them. 4) e.g. All numeric data type, Boolean, char, Date, Structure, enumerations. Reference Type: 1) Stored in heap. 2) Access through references. 3) Lifetime is managed by .net framework. 4) e.g. All arrays, String, Class types, Delegate. Note: Object is not any kind of type. You can create object of structure as well as Class Are not type: Namespaces, Modules, Events, properties, procedures, variables, constants ,& fields.

Differance between Dataset and Datareader

Dataset 1) Read/write access to data. 2) Disconnected architecture. 3) Include multiple table from different database. 4) Bind to multiple controls. 5) forward and backward scanning of data. 6) supported by visual studio .net tool. 7) you can set relation between tables. DataReader 1) Read only 2) Connected architecture. 3) Include 1 table from 1 database only. 4) Bind to one control only. 5) fast forward only. 6) Manually coded. 7) No relations.

Differance between Strucutre and Class

Structure: 1) Value type stored in stack. 2) Inheritance is not possible in structure. 3) do not require constructor. 4) objects are not terminated by GC. 5) members can not be protected. Class: 1) Reference type stored in heap. 2) Inheritance is possible. 3) Contain constructor. 4) object is terminated by GC. 3) Member can be any type.

Differeance between Interface and Abstract Class

Interface: 1) Define a Contract. 2) can inherit only interfaces. 3) don't have constructor and distructor. 4) don't have concrete methods. 5) Inheritable by Structure. 6) Multiple inheritance is possible using Interface. 7) All members are Public by default. Abstract Class: 1) Can't be initiated, partially implemented. 2) Can inherit classes & Interfaces. 3) Can have Constructor & Distructor. 4) Some methods can be concrete. 5) Not inheritable by structure. 6) Multiple inheritance not possible. 7) Members can have many modifiers.

Differance between Overloading and Overriding

Overloading: 1) Same name in same/derived class but with different/type of parameter. 2) Compiletime polymorphism. 3) Having Different signature. Overriding: 1) we need to provide different implementation than base class. 2) Runtime Polymorphism. 3) Having same signature.

Differance between Const and Readonly

Const 1) Value evaluated at compile time 2) can't be static. 3) Initialize at declaration only. e.g. const int a = 100 Readonly 1) Value evaluated at runtime. 2) Can be static. 3) can initialize at declaration or in constructor. e.g. public readonly int doc = 5; public program() { doc = 5; }

Differance between Truncate and Delete

Truncate 1) Delete all rows. 2) Identity counter reset. 3) Don't make entry to transaction log. therefore it is faster. 4) DDL command. 5) can not rollback 6) do not activate trigger. Delete 1) Delete 1 or more row depend on where clause. 2) retain Identity counter. 3) Make entery to transaction log. so it is slower. 4) DML command. 5) Can be rollback. 6) Activate trigger.

Differance between Stored Procedure & User define functiona(UDF)

Stored Procedure 1) If error occurred then execute next statement. 2) Use EXECUTE or EXEC to run.3) Can return values not mandatory. 4) SP can not be called from UDF. 5) Have transaction. 6) Can use XML FROM Clause. UDF 1) If error occurred then can not execute next statement. 2) Execute from sql SELECT or SQL action queries. 3) Must return 1 Value or table. 4) UDF can be called from SP. 5) Don't have transaction because don't have DML queries. 6) Can't use XML FROM Clause.

ASP.NET AJAX Server Control

1. ScriptManager: it takes care of loading the JavaScript libraries needed by ASP.NET AJAX. A component control that manages the marshalling of messages to the AJAX-enabled server for the parts of the page requiring partial updates. Every ASP.NET page will require a ScriptManager control in order to work. It is important to note that you can have only a single ScriptManager control on a page. 2. ScriptManagerProxy: Enables nested components such as content pages and user controls to add script and service references to pages when a ScriptManager control is already defined in a parent element. A component control that acts as a ScriptManager control for a content page. The ScriptManagerProxy control, which sits on the content page (or sub-page), works in conjunction with a required ScriptManager control that resides on the master page. 3. Timer: The Timer control performs postbacks at defined intervals. If you use the Timer control with an UpdatePanel control, you can enab...

Hosting a WCF Service

WCF is flexible because its services can be hosted in different types of applications. The following lists several common scenarios for hosting WCF services: Self-hosting Managed Windows Service IIS (II6 and IIS7) WAS

WCF contracts

WCF contracts define the behavior of WCF services. They are created in code by service developers, and are exposed to clients in the service metadata. The five types of contracts: Service Contracts Operation Contracts Data Contracts Message Contracts Fault Contracts Slide 23 § 1.A service contract defines the operations that a service supports, and maps to a portType in Web Service Description Language (WSDL). Service contracts are implemented as .NET Framework interfaces that are annotated with the ServiceContract attribute. [ServiceContract] public interface IMyContract { ...} 2.Operation contracts define the individual operations that a service supports and map to operations in WSDL. Operations are defined by adding methods to a Service Contract interface that is annotated with the OperationContract attribute. [OperationContract] void SomeOperation(); 3.Data contracts define how complex types are serialized when they are used in WCF s...

Windows Communication Foundation is...

Some Important points I have collected from MSDN site are: A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for rapidly building service-oriented applications that communicate across the web and the enterprise. The global acceptance of Web services, which includes standard protocols for application-to-application communication, has changed software development. For example, the functions that Web services now provide include security, distributed transaction coordination, and reliable communication. The benefits of the changes in Web services should be reflected in the tools and technologies that developers use. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is designed to offer a manageable approach to distributed computing, broad interoperability, and direct support for service orientation. WCF simplifies development of connected applications through a new service-oriented programming model. WCF supports many styles of distributed application development by pr...

Xml Rss Blog Feed In Asp.Net

Rss feed using XmlDataSource Control & Data bound control( here I had used datalist)

Method Overloading Example

public class AddingNumbers { /// /// Method Overloading /// /// Example : Console.WriteLine() & System.Math.Sign() /// overloading a method when you for some reason need a couple of methods that take different perameters, /// but conceptually do the same thing. /// /// /// /// public int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } public int Add(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; } // Error'OOPS_Overloading.Program.AddingNumbers' already defines a member called 'Add' with the same parameter types C:\Documents and Settings\milindm\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\OOPS_Overloading\OOPS_Overloading\Program.cs 21 27 OOPS_Overloading /* public string Add(int a, int b, int c) { return Convert.ToString...

Interface Example

Interface Example interface IPoint { // Property signatures: int x { get; set;} int y { get; set;} // method signature void print_points(); } class Point : IPoint { // Fields: private int _x; private int _y; // Constructor: public Point(int x, int y) { _x = x; _y = y; } // Property Implementation: public int x { get { return _x; } set { _x = value; } } public int y { get { return _y; } set { _y = value; } } // Method Implementation public void print_points() { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", _x, _y); } } class Program { /// /// Interface /// /// -...

Abstract Example

abstract class BaseClass // Abstract class { protected int _x = 100; protected int _y = 150; public abstract void AbstractMethod(); // Abstract method public abstract int X { get; } public abstract int Y { get; } } class Program : BaseClass { /// /// Abstract Class /// /// Use the abstract modifier in a method or property declaration to indicate that the method /// or property does not contain implementation. /// Use the abstract modifier in a class declaration to indicate that a class is intended only /// to be a base class of other classes. /// The abstract modifier can be used with classes, methods, properties, indexers, and events. /// /// -An abstract class cannot be instantiated. /// -An abstract class class cannot be inherited. /// -An abstract class may contain abstract methods and accessors. ...