Assembly in .net

-It is the fundamental building block of .net framework -basic unit of deployment or versioning (.exe or .dll) -Consisting
  1. Manifest
  2. Metadata
  3. IL Code
  4. Resources
1) Manifest- Describe assembly itself Contents
  1. Assembly Name
  2. Version number
  3. Culture
  4. Strong name information
  5. List of files
  6. Type reference information
  7. Information on reference assemblies
2) Metdata- Describe Contents within assembly like Classes, Namespaces, Interfaces, Scope, Properties, Methods & their parameteres. 3) IL Code- The compilers translates your code into Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). The common language runtime includes a JIT compiler for converting this MSIL then to native code. 4) Resources- are the files like image files


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